yen to pesos
Convert 1 日本円 to フィリピンペソ. Get live exchange rates, historical rates & charts for JPY to PHP with XE's free currency calculator.
... Pound, Hong Kong Dollar. Swiss Franc, Indonesian Rupiah. Danish Krone, Thai Baht. Norwegian Krone, New Taiwan Dollar. Swedish Krona, Malaysian Ringgit. Australian Dollar, Vietnamese Dong. New Zealand Dollar, Philippine Peso.
According to the manager of the RYOAKI taxi, the license will be 60 thousand pesos in 2011, currently 500 thousand pesos, the actual deal is 1 million pesos ... In Manila, a taxi ride averages around 10 kilometers per 500 yen.
Thinking about exchanging 50000 JPY to PHP in Kobe (Japanese Yen to Philippine Peso in KOBE,28,JP)? Check out 50000 Japanese Yen to Philippine Peso exchange rates by bureau de change in Kobe and reviews according to ...
九円, kyuu-en, 9 yen, 九銭, kyuu-sen, 九両, kyuu-ryou. 十円, juu-en, 10 yen, 十銭, jussen, 十両, juu-ryou. 百円, hyaku-en, 100 yen, 1yen = 100 sen, 百両, hyaku-ryou. 千円, sen-en, 1,000 yen, 千両, sen-ryou. 一万円, iti-man-en, 10,000 yen, 一万両 ...
The mun-mun-muny, the yen and the pesos. The mun-mun-muny, the mun-mun-muny, the mun-mun-muny. Yen and the pesos. The mun-mun-muny, the mun-mun-muny, the mun-mun-muny. Yen and the pesos. The mun-mun-muny, the ...
10% is read [juppāsento], not [jū pāsento]. Price. 日本語, 読み, 英語. 100円 (百円), hyaku en, 100 yen. 500円割引, gohyaku en waribiki, 500 yen discount. 20%引き, nijuppāsento biki, 20% off. 半額, hangaku, half price. Decimal Fraction. 日本語 ...
MXN - メキシコペソ. 弊社の通貨ランキングによると、最も人気の メキシコ ペソ 為替レートは USD から MXN のレートです。 Pesos の通貨コードは MXN、通貨記号は $です。 メキシコペソ の詳細情報 > ...
あなたがそれらの間での最新の為替レートを見つけることができますし、すべての1分に更新されますの下にこれは、日本円(JPY)への変換フィリピン・ペソ(PHP)のページです。これは、2つの通貨変換の為替レートを示しています。また、時間帯を選択すること ...
This Free Currency Converter can convert US Dollars and Mexican Pesos currencies. The exchange rates are daily updated. Our user-friendly converter allows you to do unlimited conversions. . You can use the application ...
EUR/JPY Euro vs Japanese Yen, 0, 0. EUR/NZD Euro vs New Zealand Dollar, -5.3, 5.3. EUR/USD Euro vs US Dollar, -7.8, 7.8. GBP/AUD British Pound vs Australian Dollar, -2.8, 2.8. GBP/CHF British Pound vs Swiss Franc, 4.9, -4.9. GBP/JPY
Thinking about exchanging 100000 JPY to PHP in Kashiwa (Japanese Yen to Philippine Peso in KASHIWA,12,JP)? Check out 100000 Japanese Yen to Philippine Peso exchange rates by bureau de change in Kashiwa and reviews according ...
... ことができます。「Philippine Pesos To US Dollars – Currency Converter (PHP to USD)」をダウンロードしてiPhone、iPad、iPod touchでお楽しみください。 ... Japanese Yen To Great British Pounds – Currency Converter (JPY to GBP). ユーティリティ.
JPY in PHP Exchange Rates - 日本円 フィリピンペソ 為替レート - リアルタイムで200時間の為替+通貨の世界では、単純に、最新の重引用符でそれらを変換します。
Don't miss the stage that breathes a new soul into Chaplin's masterpiece singed with laughter and pesos. >br/>> Night club:Chaplin ... gt; First-come, first-served 2th class seats 2,800 yen → >2,520 yen >/b> >>>>>>br;>> <<<>quot;blue">] ...
Professional Money Transfer service convert & exchange any local currencies for ano ang katumbas ng 1 lapad sa peso trade Japanese Yen Philippine Peso, ano ang katumbas ng 1 lapad sa peso (trade JPY PHP). Also provided are the ...
XE: Convert JPY/PHP. Japan Yen to Philippines Peso. Convert 1 Japanese Yen to Philippine Peso. Get live exchange rates, historical rates & charts for. JPY to PHP with XE's free currency calculator. Mitsubishi Ki. The Mitsubishi Ki-51 (Army ...
Japan: Meiji gold 20 Yen Year 3 (1870) AU55 NGC,... Japan | Lot #31018 | Heritage Auctions. ... to view - Free to Register - Visit today. #Coins #Gold #MADonCollections #MADonC. Philippines. 4 Pesos, 1868 VF Fr-1; KM-144. Weight. 詳細.
オンラインでオーダー、ご自宅・職場へ宅配クレジットカード・代引・銀行振込 発送最短2日~. 外貨両替自動計算. ¥. JPY. $. USD. ヨーロッパ - ユーロ ... 香港 - 香港ドル (HKD). オンラインレート: 1 USD = 110.0700 JPY 最終更新日 2019年10月9日水曜日.
View 最上川浅春Mogami River in early spring by Keiji Mashimo on artnet. Browse upcoming and past auction lots by Keiji Mashimo.
Japanese Yen (JPY) is used currency in Japan. There are bills of 1,000, 2,000, 5,000 and 10,000 yen. ..... Moreover, when exchanging the Japanese yen or the US dollar to the Philippine peso, it is also famous that there are ...
"Pesos" への豊富な翻訳例文 – 和英辞書と日本語翻訳サーチエンジン. ... reasonable rate of 40 pesos for 30 minutes! .... continue Doing Good in the World, and ensuring that we make the best use of every dollar, euro, yen, and peso that we have.
Mogan Shopping, Japan deputy service is one of Asia's largest auction and shopping portals! Mogan's international service is based on quality, experience, security and rapid worldwide delivery. Integrating Japan's best auction and shopping ...
Currency Exchange and Exchange Rate Value Forecast with the up-to-date exchange rates for ilang yen meron sa isang lapad convert Japanese Yen to Philippine Peso, ilang yen meron sa isang lapad (convert JPY to PHP). Also with the ...
Japan's stock market fell 2.9% amid concern the strengthening yen will undermine the country's fragile economic ... Shares of market bellwether Telmex fell 2.1% to 39 pesos despite posting strong second-quarter earnings.
¥348,000,000 JPY. $3,193,457 USD ... ¥260,000,000 JPY. $2,385,916 ... ¥250,000,000 JPY. $2,294,150 ... ¥199,900,000 JPY. $1,834,402 ... ¥180,000,000 JPY. $1,651,788 ... ¥150,000,000 JPY ... ¥130,000,000 JPY ... ¥130,000,000 JPY.
This time I hadn't converted my money yet, so I needed to change Yen into Yuan. — Tatoeba · Details ▸ ... Please change this Japanese yen to U.S. dollars. — Tatoeba · Details ▸ ... I'd like to change these pesos, please. — Tatoeba · Details ▸.
Please exchange this into pesos.「為替レートはいくらですか?」 What'sthe exchange rate?「1ドル100円です。」 It's a hundred yen to the dollar.「内訳はどうしますか?」 How would you like your money?「小額紙幣と全ての種類のコインを入れて下さい。
T: The current exchange rate is 110 yen to 1 US dollar. 今の為替レートは 1 ... ex) If you're traveling to the U.S. from Japan, you'll likely want to convert Japanese Yen to dollars. 日本から ... [=I need to exchange my pesos for dollars]. □ currency ...
Euro vs Hungarian Forint, 45, 45. EUR/JPY Euro vs Japanese Yen, 1.1, 2.3. EUR/MXN Euro vs Mexican Peso, 80, 110. EUR/NOK Euro vs Norwegian Krone, 50, 50. EUR/NZD Euro vs New Zealand Dollar, 12, 12. EUR/PLN Euro vs Polish Zloty ...
I don't know what it will say for Japanese sales, probably something like JPY for Japanese Yen. A hundred yen is worth about a ... The 6-week report and the prior-month report show royalties in pounds, in euros, in pesos, etc. They don't do the ...
最新の為替相場を使用してお金をの日本円 (JPY) に出入してメキシコペソ (MXN) 変える計算機。
変換する: ᐈ 90 000.00 フィリピン ペソ (PHP) に 日本円 (JPY) - 通貨変換、コース履歴.
日本 円 (JPY) から フィリピン ペソ (PHP) に換算. 換算する額, 換算先の通貨, 換算の結果, 詳細. 1 JPY, PHP, 0.47102 PHP, 1 日本 円 = 0.47102 フィリピン ペソ (2019/10/28 時点). 100 JPY, PHP, 47.1017 PHP, 100 日本 円 = 47.1017 フィリピン ペソ ...
Forex rate now gives you the up-to-date exchange rates with forecast and charts for magkano ang palit ng 8dollars sa piso convert Japanese Yen to Philippine Peso, magkano ang palit ng 8dollars sa piso (calculate JPY to PHP). Do you want ...
フィリピン 大日本帝国軍票 10 pesos 1943年 | Shop at Yahoo Japan Shoping, and Buyee will ship your items worldwide! ... (US$7.21); Catalog price: 750 yen (US$7.21); Item ... [ Translate ] 大日本帝国政府発行の 10 peso 紙幣です ・発行国: ...
Exchange magkano ang isang lapad sa peso JPY to PHP - Money Exchange 日本円 〜へ フィリピンペソ With magkano ang isang lapad sa peso JPY to PHP Rates, magkano ang isang lapad sa peso JPY PHP Calculators, magkano ang isang ...
作曲:CRAZYBOY・GASHIMA・Lucas Valentine. I'm poppin' Chandon, 稼ぐBankroll 飛ばす首都高でRide in Mercedes Huh, 横目で見てるHaters Huh, 止められないPaperchaser I get dough, All I know. Yen, Dollar, Pesos だから今夜もJust make it ...
マニラ,マカティ,セブへ旅行ですか? 20000フィリピン・ペソを現在の外国為替レートで日本円(JPY)に計算します。
変換する: ᐈ 7 000.00 フィリピン ペソ (PHP) に 日本円 (JPY) - 通貨変換、コース履歴.
For instance, to change Japanese Yen to Mexican Pesos, you would need to have the Japanese Yen (Bank) processed at the Correspondent Bank. After a few days, these are then transferred to Pesos (Bank) and expensive ...
日本 円をフィリピン ペソへ変換(JPY/PHP)。為替レート表、共通換算表、為替レート履歴、その他の一覧。
Many people exchange yen for reais at airports in Brazil, but did you know that this may not be the best way? Instead of ... You've already exchanged some of your yen for Brazilian reais, but your friend only has Philippine pesos still. あなたと ...
Castillo :... Five hundred...gotit. And total refrigerator sales? Watanabe :Six hundred fifty million four hundred eighty thousand yen. Castillo :. ... That should only be about 30,000 pesos. Castillo :Isee. Well,I'll think aboutit andget back to you, Ms.
I would like to exchange Japanese yen to peso. Is it possible? 1. You might want to be more specific. Do you mean 'Argentine peso, Chilean peso, Colombian peso, Cuban peso, Dominican peso, Mexican peso, Philippine peso Uruguayan ...
2.5 million $ JPY to USD - Exchange Rate 日本円 〜へ アメリカドル With 2.5 million $ JPY to USD 為替, 2.5 million $ JPY USD 変換, 2.5 million $ JPY USD トレンド And 2.5 million $ JPY USD Quote.
韓国ウォン、中国元、バーツ、ペソ、リンギット、ルピー、レアルなどショッピングや旅行、ビジネス、外貨預金に便利なレート換算をご利用いただけます。また、ドル円やユーロ、ポンド、豪ドル、カナダドル、スイスフランなどの為替レートやFXチャートで為替相場を ...
... の表示形式を適宜選択して「次へ」をクリックする。 「ロケール設定」画面の「日付表示形式」や「時間表示形式」はともかく、「通過」、「通過の精度」、「1000位セパレータ」、「小数点シンボル」の各欄は、「Japanese Yen」、「0」、「, (カンマ)」、「.
SMILES HIGHEST EXCHANGE RATE TODAY! 0.4815 JPY/PHP Smiles always gives the highest exchange rate for remittance from Japan to Philippines. OFWs deserve more peso for their hard-earned YEN.
yen to dollar app , 米ドル 日本円 , どる 円 , ドル 円 , ドル 日本円 + 11. 7 ... ペソ , peso converter , 為替情報 , レート , 為替電卓 + 10. 13 .... usd to pesos , dollars to pesos , pesos to dollars converter , peso to dollar conversion , pesos to dollars + 11.
ニッポン高度紙工業株式会社. 3891.T. 前日終値. 1,191.00JPY. 変化. -17.00(-1.41%). 出来高. 23,100. 本日のレンジ ... Development Corporation to SPECIALTY PULP MANUFACTURING, INC., for 436 million Philippine pesos (900 million yen).
sbi yen to peso JPY PHP - 外貨両替 〜から 日本円 〜へ フィリピンペソ With sbi yen to peso JPY PHP 比率, sbi yen to peso JPY PHP 変換器, sbi yen to peso JPY PHP チャート And sbi yen to peso JPY PHP 歴史 along with converting JPY .
Foreign Exchange and Currency Converter Money Graph with the up-to-date exchange rates for 1.5 million peso convert to yen convert Japanese Yen to Philippine Peso, 1.5 million peso convert to yen (convert JPY to PHP). Also with the help ...
Worth - Japan 100 yen 1972, XI winter Olympic Games, Sapporo 1972 in the coin catalog at - International Catalog of World Coins. ... Denomination, 100 yen100 JPY = 0.92 USD. Year, Yr. 47 ... Argentina 10 pesos 1964 - obverse.
Concerned about the 日本円 英国ポンド exchange rates? Input your email address below, we will send you a daily up-to-date information on the 日本円 英国ポンド exchange rates! メールアドレス: チャンネル登録 ...
... Japanese Yen (JPY), Indian Rupee (INR), Chinese Yuan (CNY), Uae Dirham (AED), Afghan Afghani (AFN), Albanian Lek (ALL), Armenian Dram (AMD), Netherlands Antillian Guilder (ANG), Angolan Kwanza (AOA), Argentine Peso (ARS), ...
Rapid Cash @Transremittance 13 Jun 2017. More. Copy link to Tweet; Embed Tweet. LBC Remit Express rate today June 14, 2017 11:58 1 yen=0.4431 pesos Send money to your love ones through LBC Remit Express! 0 replies 0 retweets 2 ...
PHILIPPINES, YEN-TO-PESO, YEN-TO-USD. Remittance Amount, REMITTANCE FEE. ¥ 1 – 10,000, ¥ 600, ¥ 600. ¥10,001 – 20,000, 850, 850. ¥20,001 – 30,000, 950, 950. ¥30,001 – 40,000, 1,300, 1,300. ¥40,001 – 50,000, 1,450, 1,450.
Euro vs Hungarian Forint, 45, 45. EUR/JPY Euro vs Japanese Yen, 1.1, 2.3. EUR/MXN Euro vs Mexican Peso, 80, 110. EUR/NOK Euro vs Norwegian Krone, 50, 50. EUR/NZD Euro vs New Zealand Dollar, 12, 12. EUR/PLN Euro vs Polish Zloty ...
I'm poppin' Chandon, 稼ぐBankroll 飛ばす首都高でRide in Mercedes Huh, 横目で見てるHaters Huh, 止められないPaperchaser I get dough, All I know. Yen, Dollar, Pesos だから今夜もJust make it rain. Bae Bae Bae, Hey, Bae ...
Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator with the up-to-date exchange rates for yen to peso black market convert Japanese Yen to Philippine Peso, yen to peso black market (convert JPY to PHP). Also with the help of the currency ...
Where can I exchange yen for dollars? どのように両替いたしましょうか。 How do you want them? ペソを両替して欲しいんですけど。 I'd like to charge these pesos, please. 円をドルに両替できますか。 Can I exchange yen for dollars here? 今日の両替 ...
【単語】a peso...【例文】The currency unit was peso....【その他の表現】a currency unit called peso... - 1000万語以上収録!英訳・英文・英単語の ... Tickets can cost up to nearly 600 Argentine pesos (about 12,000 yen) each.発音を聞く - 浜島書店 ...
1. 1000 dollars / Japanese yen /. 2. exchange rate / euros / yen. 3. 5000 pounds / Japanese yen. 4. 700 pounds / euros. 5. 6000 dollars / order. 6. exchange rate / dollars / pounds. Post Office. Lesson 42. Can I exchange money here? a. pesos.
This Free Currency Converter can convert US Dollars and Philippine pesos currencies. .... Convert between PHP (Philippine Peso) and Euro (EUR), US Dollar (USD), British Pound (GBP), Japanese Yen (JPY), Swiss Franc ...
The Japanese quote prices in terms of yen, the Russians in terms of rubles, Mexicans in terms of nuevo pesos, and so forth. Money as a Store of Value Money also serves as a store of value. This means that money keeps its value if you decide ...
Le yen militaire japonais (en chinois et japonais : 日本軍用手票 ou juste 日本軍票) est une monnaie spéciale utilisée .... military arranged for bank notes to be issued, denominated in the various currencies (rupees, pesos etc.) ...
窓口で5万円を差し出すと、窓口の人が確認の意味で「50,000 Yen(フィフティーサウザンドエン)」または、単に「ファイブ」と言ってくれます。 ... 小額の紙幣が欲しい場合には、1,000ペソ札を窓口の人に渡しながら、例えば、「Can I have all 100 pesos note?
ICC-approved Project Cost and the amount of loan agreement, which requires a new ICC approval. Table RA 1.2 Summary of Revised Project Cost. (Proposed for New ICC Approval). Unit: Amount in Million Pesos (Million Yen). L/A (PH-P212).
Yen to Peso, 0.4750. Dollar to Yen, 108.40. Promo Rate w/ E-statement (for Individual Remitters of QP, METS .... Close. フィリピン国籍のお客様へのお知らせ 詳細はこちらをご覧 ...
The latest rates & intelligence. Get visibility into up-to-date exchange rates before sending a payment overseas in pounds, euros, yuan, or any other currency. Try our currency converter to get real-time exchange rates for over 130 currencies, ...
Failing to submit the plan is penalized by a fine (200,000 Yen maximum), while neglecting to implement the plan is ... to persons with disabilities by the Public Employment Security Offices (PESOs), the vocational rehabilitation networks ...
During these months, you can buy a kilo of durian for as low as 25 pesos (about 60 yen). バナナとは違って、ドリアンは旬の果物です。ドリアンが旬の期間は8月~10月の間です。この期間では、1キロのドリアンをおよそ25ペソ(日本円で ...
ログイン · 登録 · カート: 0 アイテム. Currency: ¥JPY. 商品一覧. アイテム一覧. 会社概要. 個人情報保護ポリシー · 利用規約 · 昇華プリント加工インフォメーション · ラインストーン加工インフォメーション · 刺繍加工インフォメーション · 転写加工インフォメーション ...
Chilean peso users. The Chilean peso is the currency of Chile (officially the Republic of Chile) which locates southwest of South America. Chile started its struggle for its independence from Spain since the establishment of First Government ...
投資家の不確実性に拍車をかけていると The dollar fell ドルは下落している against the euro, Japanese yen and British pound, ... その上1週間にもわたってユ The Mexican peso briefly trimmed early gains メキシコペソは一時的に早期の利益を減少 ...
It varies on the foreign exchange market but now it's .49 cents per yen 外国為替市場は ... But there will be a processing fee of 500 pesos できますよ! ... Where can I exchange foreign money to Philippine peso?(外国通貨を ...
CRAZYBOY – 0921 KANJI LYRICS. I'm poppin' Chandon, 稼ぐBankroll 飛ばす首都高でRide in Mercedes Huh, 横目で見てるHaters Huh, 止められないPaperchaser I get dough, All I know. Yen, Dollar, Pesos だから今夜もJust ...
フィリピン ペソ (PHP) から 日本 円 (JPY) に換算. ... 1,000,000 PHP, JPY, 2,141,019.31 JPY, 1,000,000 フィリピン ペソ = 2,141,019.31 日本 円 (2019/10/31 時点). JPY から PHP に換算. 通貨コンバータ. 金額. 換算元. ▽. 換算先. ▽. 他の通貨を表示 ...
トランステック/フィリピン向け宅配サービス “BalikBayanBox” フィリピン国内は、フィリピン最大の物流企業LBCがお届けします。 LBC REMIT EXPRESS Exchange Rate:エルビーシー レミット エクスプレス エクスチェンジ レート. JPY/PHP 0.4697.
10 mins delay 10/21 09:09. Country, Currency pairs, Bid/Offer, Bid, Offer, NetChg/ %Chg. USA, USD/JPY. 108.36. 108.39. 108.36, 108.39. -0.06. -0.06%. USA, USD List. USA, USD/CAD. 1.3127. 1.3128. 1.3127, 1.3128. +0.0003. +0.02%. USA ...
It is a subsidiary capitalized at 17 million Argentine pesos (approximately 109 million yen), 95% of whose stock is owned by Sakata Seed Corporation. Its line of business is the import, sale, and test cultivation of plant seeds.
-We accept payments through Paypal, bank transfer, and Alipay. Please make the payments through bank transfer or Alipay if you are purchasing items that are over 1,000,000 Yen (when exchanged into Yen), because Paypal Japan does not
Get the list of money exchangers at Fukuoka airport, Japan with other details such as latest JPY conversion rates (100 JPY = 0.92 USD, 100 JPY = 0.83 EUR, 100 JPY = 0.71 GBP & more), what is official currency name, code, symbol, ...
Unimoni Japan is a diversified Global money transfer brand offering financial services like foreign exchange & payments solutions in Japan. We offer multiple customer touchpoints including retail stores, digital and mobile solutions.
アメリカ JAPANESE WWII PAPER MONEY $10 Yen (Joen) Banknote. ... 1943 1 ONE YEN BANK OF JAPAN JAPANESE CURRENCY BANKNOTE NOTE MONEY BILL CASH WW2 ... Japanese Government 100 Pesos WWII Money 1944C.
メキシコペソ/円(MXN/JPY) の外国為替レート、チャートを10分更新で配信しております。
Oh no we don't play with silly girls. All I know is the material girls. Give me the muny, the cars, the case loads. The mun-mun-muny, the. Yen and the Pesos The mun-mun-muny, the mun-mun-muny. The mun-mun-muny. Yen and the pesos
en The exchange rate of that period in the Meiji period was 1 yen to the dollar , so port dues were kept low at about a quarter of .... to one peso in the new Chilean currency, establishing the official exchange rate at six pesos to the U.S. dollar.
PNB東京支店および名古屋出張所は、2019年10月22日火曜日の「即位礼正殿の儀の行われる日」が国民の祝日となるため、休業日とさせていただきます。 また、2019年11月3日(日曜日)は、PNB東京支店および名古屋出張所合同での ...
Old Type 2 Yen Gold Meiji Year 3 (1870) 近4 財務省オークション原品(ID05595・美品A) | EF ... Old Type 1 Yen Gold Meiji Year 4(1871) 後期 欠足明・中点有 近5. .... Mexico, Mexico Maximilian gold 20 pesos 1866, KM-389. | EF.
All prices are in Philippine Peso and are subject to VAT, 10% service charge and applicable local government tax. ... partners in the Philippines, and donated 3 million pesos (approximately 6.6 million yen) to the Philippine National Red Cross.
USD/HKD US Dollar vs Hong Kong Dollar, 8, 8. USD/HUF US Dollar vs Hungarian Forint, 50, 50. USD/JPY US Dollar vs Japanese Yen, 0.4, 0.9. USD/MXN US Dollar vs Mexican Pesos, 50, 80. USD/NOK US Dollar vs Norwegian Krone, 50, 50.
フィリピンに来てから私は両替時に. 「 Can you exchange Japanese yen to pesos ? 」と自信をもって言っていたのですが、最近間違いに気付きました。 正しくは「 Can you change Japanese yen to pesos ? 」だそうです。Can I を使っても ...
使いやすく、処理速度に優れた日本 円から(ISOコード: PHP)への通貨変換システムです。日本 円フィリピン ペソ(PHPからJPY、JPYからPHPへ通貨換算)しましょう。 フィリピン ペソはフィリピンの通貨です。 フィリピン ペソのISO通貨コードは「PHP」です。
250 pesos (approximately 515 yen) → 500 pesos (approximately 1,030 yen) or so. If it is OK, there is no waiting time, it is convenient to get to the destination quickly. “Standby taxi” When walking out of the airport building
... Danish Krone; Euro; Hong Kong Dollar; Hungarian Forint; Indian Rupee (Available to customers with Interactive Brokers (India) Pvt. Ltd. accounts only); Israeli Shekel; Japanese Yen; Mexican Peso; Norwegian Krone; New Zealand Dollar ...